Continuing Education & Training

Specialized Education & Training Lectures & Workshops

Training Scholarships & Vouchers Available For Those Who Qualify

CR2121 Addictive Thinking

3 hours

There are many additions—shopping, Internet, work, sex, drugs, etc. This training will present evidence of unusual and self-defeating logic of addictive thinking and how to use this evidence to help people understand and recover from various addictions. The trainees will learn what addictive thinking is, examine its origins, and explore the importance of such thinking as conflict, guilt, shame, anger, managing feelings, defense mechanisms, spirituality and co-dependence.

CR2125 The Adolescent Brain and Gambling: A Risky Partnership

3 hours

What is the connection between the brain and adolescent risky behavior? Why are adolescents so susceptible to impulsive behavior? How does gambling qualify as an impulse control disorder?

The first part of the training will deal with the adolescent brain and its maturation. The second part will explore the results of the latest OASAS Adolescent Gambling Survey which reports that 10% of adolescents in New York State have a gambling problem and an additional 10% are at risk for developing a gambling problem. These rates are 3 to 4 times greater than those of adult gamblers.

CR2130 The Adolescent Brain Update

3 hours,

New research is constantly revolutionizing our view of the adolescent mind and explaining its mystifying ways. This seminar on the adolescent brain will provide insight for parents and educators who have been puzzled by this unique stage of life. Gaining knowledge of exactly what is “going on in there”—will lead to an understanding of the critical period that is created by the dramatic changes taking place in an adolescent’s brain. Learn what is known on how the brain functions, the role drugs play on it and what that means for adolescents and those who work or live with them. By understanding the changes that are taking place in the brains of their children and their students, as well as understanding why these changes are taking place, adults will be able to better guide teens through this often difficult span of years.

CR2135 Alcohol in the Family

3 hours

Addressing Children From Alcohol or Other Drug Afflicted Families: Actions You Can Take to Improve Their Life and Yours.

This training will introduce participants to the different behavioral roles that are developed within a family with an alcohol or other drug problem and provide ways for effectively dealing with those behaviors. The techniques describes are aimed at both reducing the difficulties experienced in working with these youth and the distractions they sometimes bring to the classroom, and providing ways to engage them in a positive manner, thereby providing them with opportunities to learn alternative behaviors.

CR2140 Anger Management Treatment

3 hours

Participants will learn how to help their substance abuse and mental health clients develop skills that are necessary to successfully manage anger. Find out how anger is managed effectively, how to stop violence or the threat of violence, how to develop self-control over thoughts/actions and how to receive support from others.

CR2145 A Basic Overview of Alcohol and Other Drugs

3 hours

This course will introduce participants to the basics of alcohol and other drug use. Participants will be provided with an understanding of why people use substances, the basic types of drugs, and what each drug does to an individual, physically and psychologically. Recognizing signs and symptoms of an individual’s use will also be covered, as will initial steps of getting someone help.

CR2150 Behind the Mask: Gender & Gambling Preferences—Feminine Perspective

3 hours

The expansion of legalized gambling has created major adverse effects on the well-being of women. This training will examine such adverse effects as loss of intimacy and trust, loss of self-esteem, financial problems, the double standard applied to women gamblers, and how shame often inhibits women from seeking help for a gambling problem.

CR2155 Binge Drinking and Safety Issues for Young Females

3 hours

Through this training the participants will become aware of the rising numbers of adolescent binge drinking and understanding the connection of risky behaviors and consequences, including safety issues with young females.

CR2161 Bullying: STOP the “Imbalance of Power” — Get Involved

3 hours

Everyday youth are tormented with bullying behavior in various settings. This training will focus on the different types of bullying behaviors that exist within society, assess the characteristics of victims and bullies, and take a closer look at short term and long term consequences of bullying for all individuals involved. Participants will learn different strategies, programs currently available and resources for victims, parents, and faculty/staff on combating bullying.

CR2165 Club Drugs, Not Just for Clubs Anymore

3 hours

This three hour training will introduce participants to the different drugs falling under the loose heading of Club Drugs. The training will cover what the drug is, how it is used, and the effects the drug has on the user. Attention will also be paid to why certain drugs are used as “club” drugs, and how these drugs are used in our more rural communities which may not have “clubs.”

CR2170 Codependency and Family Issues in the Treatment of Addictions

3 hours

This training will focus on the irrational beliefs and dysfunctional behavior patterns that are learned early in families where verbal, physical or sexual abuse is prevalent. Learning self-esteem, empowerment, assertiveness and boundary setting skills can dramatically change the quality of life for such individuals. An overview of the participant’s current state of being and/or understanding with an emphasis on skill building techniques will be presented.

CR2175 Combating Toxic Messages by Analyzing Today’s Media

3 hours

Media has a powerful influence on our lives and consuming media has both positive and negative consequences. Discover a new approach for protecting our children and adolescents from the unhealthy and negative effects of media by empowering them with a better understanding of the media and giving them control over the messages they receive.

CR2181 Compassion Fatigue: Recognizing & Coping

3 hours

Learn how empathy leads to compassionate fatigue and vicarious traumatization. Through this seminar participants will understand the symptoms and how it is different than burnout. They will learn ways of coping and self-care practices.

CR2185 Coping with Triggers

3 hours

The purpose of the training is for therapists to discuss the negative effect that triggers can have on the recovery process. There are 6 common triggers that interfere with the recovery process:

  1. Stress
  2. Emotions
  3. Grief and Loss
  4. Resentment
  5. Fear of failure / success
  6. Loss of commitment to the recovery process

Each trigger will be discussed and coping strategies developed in the workshop to assist with resolving the 6 common triggers. The technique of mindfulness as well as Marlatt–Gordon Relapse Prevention Model will be discussed in relation to coping with triggers.

CR2190 Current Trends (Alcohol and Other Drugs)


A half day training on the current drugs that are prevalent in our society. The education format includes instruction and group discussions on these current drugs.

CR2195 Current Trends in the Drug World

3 hours

This training will provide an overview of controlled and non-controlled substances that are being misused and abused in the community. We will take a deeper look at the different types of drugs that are making headlines today, including Heroin, Methamphetamines, Prescription Pain Medication, Over the Counter Drugs and Cannabis. We will explore each drugs appearance, physiological and psychological effects, methods of ingestion, and slang terminology. Lastly, we will discover different types of strategies that families, schools and communities can utilize to help combat these current trends.

CR3120Dangers Associated with Over the Counter and Prescription Drugs

3 hours

This training will look into current trends in the abuse, and misuse of over the counter and prescription drugs. Safe when used as directed these drugs have a darker and sometimes lethal side when used improperly or combined with other substances. Learn what is happening with these drugs, what the potential for danger is and how to safeguard your home and family.

CR3012 Dealing with Children With Special Behaviors (Alcohol in the Family)

2.5 hours

This training will introduce participants to the different behavioral roles that are developed within a family with an alcohol or other drug problem and provide ways for effectively dealing with those behaviors. Results/strengths associated with each role will be reviewed and how the care giver/professional can build on these strengths. The techniques described are aimed at both reducing the difficulties experienced in dealing with these youth and providing ways to engage them in a positive manner.

CR3025 Drug Free Work Place

$135.00 on-site training
1.5 hours

This half day training gives an overview of drugs in the workplace, including who the users are, why employees use drugs, how drugs enter the work site and what substances are abused. This training also focuses on rules and tips for taking action, including work drug policies, legal issues, drug testing and identifying problem employees.

CR3030 The Effects of Cocaine Use on the Brain

3 hours

This training will provide an understanding of how cocaine affects various areas of the brain that will cause addition to the substance and the significance of cocaine use as it pertains to the short term and long term effects on the individual. It will include the medical consequences which will show the nature of cocaine addiction as a result of its impact on the brain functions.

CR3035 ENDS Are Here—Overview of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems

Offered free of charge
1 or 3 hours

Participants will gain an understanding of social issues, health effects, and addiction issues around the use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Devices (ENDS), with a focus on emerging trends and patterns of use. Explored will be a variety of the most commonly used ENDS products, new products being developed, and the effects of nicotine on both youth and adults.

This informational session will include a brief overview of the tobacco industry and tobacco products and where ENDS fit in; youth and young adult tobacco issues—prevalence trends and recent changes/shifts in tobacco/nicotine consumption; Overview of ENDS devices and products—including newly emerging products; Current health concerns regarding ENDS—including dual/multiple product use; Current (8/2017) state of ENDS regulations in New York State; Nicotine and addiction; and ENDS and cessation.

CR3045 Ethics for Professionals

$50.00 or $100.00
3 or 6 hours

This course offers an understanding of professional concerns involved in ethical practice and provides guidelines for dealing with commonplace situations in which ethical issues arise.

CR3048 Ethics for the Prevention Field

1.5 hours

This course offers an understanding of professional concerns involved in ethical practice and provides guidelines for dealing with commonplace situations in which ethical issues arise.

CR3050 The Examined Life: Ethics, Values & Professionalism…

In the Field of Addictions

3 hours

The Examined Life: Ethics, Values & Professionalism in Prevention is a 3 CASAC/CPP credit hour exploratory workshop to raise awareness of the importance of personal and professional ethical practice to assure the health, safety and recovery of those suffering from addictions. Participants will identify aspects of and obstacles to introspection. Foundations of ethics will be explored and discussed. A review of the CPP Canons of Ethical Principles and an ethical decision-making model will allow participants to evaluate ethics in professional settings in the field of addictions.

Explore the HA! In Harmony—The Key to Close Relationships

2 hours

Conflict can trigger strong emotions and can lead to hurt feelings, disappointment, and discomfort. When conflict is handled in unhealthy ways it can cause irreparable rifts, resentments, and break ups. On the other hand, conflict in relationships gives us the opportunity to grow intimacy. It allows one to learn what the other is passionate about. It reveals our strengths, weaknesses, values, and morals. It grows trust! When conflict is resolved in a healthy way, it can increase our understanding of one another, builds trust, and strengthens our relationship bonds.

Participants will discover the skills required to ensure a healthy conflict, and find a resolution. They will find out the importance of having a sense of humor is in establishing intimacy in relationships.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: The Basics

3 hours

This training will provide information on the basics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. It will include sections on Understanding FASD, Prevention and Risk Reduction, Symptoms and Difficulties of FASD, Diagnosis, Treatment and Strategies to Improve Outcomes.

The Four Components of Heroin Addiction

3 hours

The workshop will cover attachment issues related to heroin addiction and the reason that relapse issues occur. The culture of addiction will also be addressed to explain the continued bond between the using environment which interferes with the recovery environment. An understanding of the lifestyle and the love of the needle assists in encouraging follow through with treatment recommendations and to decrease the disenfranchised grief because the two topics are very often not discussed in treatment.

Gambling Away the Golden Years—You May Lose More Than Money

3 hours

Participants will gain an understanding of how age, mental health, physical health and certain medications can impact on one’s gambling. Various types of financial exploitations seniors can be subjected to by family members and care takers will be reviewed and the services that are available for help.

Gambling: What Are the Chances It’s Affecting You?

No charge
2 hours

With so many gambling opportunities available in the areas surrounding Chautauqua County, it’s important to understand what problem gambling is. This training will focus on the different types of gamblers and forms of gambling that are surrounding the community. We will look further into the different populations that struggle with problem gambling and the resources available in the community. We will decipher the similarities and differences between problem gambling and other addictions. In addition, we will discuss prevention strategies and tolls that families, schools, and the community can implement to prevent underage gambling. Some drugs are in plain sight. This is a presentation to show the drug paraphernalia that youth use to hide different drugs.

Geriatric Mental Health Awareness

3 hours

Participants will be provided with a broad overview of significant issues related to the aging population. The session will include discussions on counseling barriers; complications of alcohol and other drug abuse; adaptations of psychotherapy; psychotherapy with the person having Dementia; resources available; when it is time to consider a facility, care giving; and community assistance.

Grief & Loss as it Relates to Giving Up Addictions

3 hours

As a result of this training the participants will gain a broader understanding of the depth of emotional, psychological and relational pain experienced by their clients when trying to separate from their drug of choice and be able to empathize with their clients’ pain more fully. Included will be an overview of the role a substance of abuse plays in relationships to the abuser. Various theories of grief and loss will be examined and participants will gain an understanding of how these theories interweave and parallel with the type of loss associated with addiction.

Herbal Supplements Use and Abuse

3 hours

In this three hour course you will learn a brief history of herbals, their application, possible interaction with prescription drugs and common misconceptions regarding herbals today. Also, there will be a time for questions and answers.

Heroin Addiction Has a Negative Effect On The Family

3 hours

Heroin Addiction has a negative effect on the user; however, the close friends and the close family members are also affected. Addiction can pull at the heart strings of the family members and they may feel emotions such as confusion, anger and despair to name a few. The family member may also wrestle with excluding the family member that is in active addiction or loving them to the point of “co-dependency.” The family member will require coping mechanisms to assist them while the family member is in active addiction or begins treatment. The in-service will discuss the changes that a family experiences, the levels of detachment that will possibly occur and coping skills required during this critical crisis.

The Heroin Crisis: Dependency and Treatment

3 hours

Workshop participants will become familiar with the signs and symptoms of opioid dependence, withdrawal, and intoxication, as well as historical and ethical issues surrounding opioid use and treatment. Participants will be able to discuss an approach to clinical decision-making regarding matching the opioid-dependent individual to appropriate treatment options, including the opioid replacement therapies (buprenorphine and methadone). This seminar will also address opioid dependency during pregnancy. Continued opioid use has negative effects on a woman psychologically as well as physically and will also have negative developmental effects on the fetus. The information shared at this workshop will better prepare counselors and other professionals when working with women addicted to opioids and women that are pregnant and continue using opioids or contemplating recovery.

Household Drugs

3 hours

As a result of attending this training participants will be better able to recognize potential use hazards and reduce the chance of abuse of these substances. The course will cover different substances and signs/symptoms associated with their use and ways to address the risk for abuse represented by these materials/substances.

Household Substances: Dangers and Precautions

2.5 hours

As a result of attending this training, participants will be better able to recognize potential chemical hazards and reduce the chance of abuse of these substances. The course will cover different substances and signs/symptoms associated with abuse; ways to address the risk represented by these materials/substances; and how to safeguard their home.

Identifying & Combating Triggers for Relapse

$50.00, CPP (Section 4) CASAC/CPS Renewal, NYS OASAS & PCB Approved

Participants will gain an understanding of basic internal factors of relapse, problems associated with relapse and methods for identifying and combating triggers for relapse. As a result of this training, participants will be able to facilitate client awareness of relapse factors and educate clients on relapse prevention planning.

Inhalant Use

3 hours

As a result of this training, participants will gain knowledge and understanding about the unique nature and hazards of inhalant use. They will be able to recognize potential use and learn how to reduce the chance of abuse.

Inroduction to Problem Gambling and Compulsive Gambling

6 hours

Participants will gain knowledge and understanding of the prevalence and types of gambling available in New York State; the skills necessary to be able to identify the adverse effects of problem and compulsive gambling; and the effects it has on diverse populations. They will learn what services are available throughout NY State to help those adversely affected by problem and compulsive gambling.

Lifestyle Changes and Recovery Process

3 hours

The workshop is for clinicians to assist the recovering substance user to develop the appropriate self-management skills by using Motivational Interviewing techniques to encourage lifestyle changes for a successful recovery. The workshop will focus on understanding the positive effects of a balanced lifestyle, control of self and the emotions that can interfere with the recovery process. The workshop is for clinicians to encourage the substance user to implement appropriate strategies such employment, money management, and crisis intervention without using/abusing drugs and/or alcohol.

Marijuana: Myths & Realities

3 hours

There is a lot of confusion lately about marijuana. The purpose of this three hour training is to help dispel some of the misconceptions and discover the truth in the arguments. Among the issues addressed will be marijuana’s physical and mental effects; how marijuana compares to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; its current social and legal status in the United States; and a look at the many myths surrounding marijuana and their realities.

Marijuana: Re-examining the Myth

hours, CPP/CPS (Section 1), CASAC Renewal, NYS OASAS & PCB Approved

With new information coming in each day, with states looking at everything from medicalization to legalization and taxation, what is the reality? Do we have enough information to decide? Just what is the truth, and what are the lies. Let’s try and clear away the smoke and re-examine the Myths, both good and bad.

Marijuana Update: Keep off the Grass

3 hours

Why do adolescents smoke Marijuana? What does research say about the increase or decrease in marijuana use? Why is it harmful to young adolescent brains? What are the short term and long term effects of marijuana use? What are the current trends? What is the latest update on medical marijuana use in NYS including legalization and decriminalization? These questions and others will be answered in this three hour training.

Medicine Cabinet Highs—Prescription Drugs and Youth

3 hours

One of the fastest growing drug problems lies in our own homes, and is being promoted by our own culture. This training will look not only at why the kids are so attracted to prescription drugs and how we may be unconsciously feeding it, it will look at specific things we, as a community and as individuals, can do to stop it.

Mental Health Disorders, Attachment Disorders and Acting Out Behaviors in Maltreated Infants, Toddlers, and Pre-school Children

3 hours

The emphasis of this workshop will be on early childhood (ages 0–5). The impact of a dysfunctional family on the developing child is devastating. This workshop will discuss the impact of trauma due to maltreatment which includes, the development of attachment disorders, mental health disorders, and puzzling acting out behaviors. The participants will develop an understanding of dissociation, hyperarousal, disorganized attachment, classifications of infant/toddler mental health disorders, development of the infant brain, and the latest research concerning emotional development along with the impact of substance abuse on the developing child.

Methamphetamine: A Closer Look at Today’s “Speed”

3 hours

This training will give participants an in-depth look at Methamphetamine. It will examine the drug itself, its toxology, its method of manufacture and usage; the expanse of the problem, locally and nationally; its bio/psycho/social effects on those who use and the people around them; and recommendations for preventing its spread.

Mindfulness Practice: Enhancing Self-care & Client Outcomes

3 hours

Persons that can benefit from this training are those living with trauma and addictions, and those who care about and work with them. As a result of this training, participants will come away with a de-mystified understanding of mindfulness, its basic neurobiology and practical application to the treatment of addictions, clients living with trauma, its after effects and clinician self-care.

Mindfulness Practice In Trauma: Get Inside the First 1/5 of a Second

3 hours

Persons that can benefit from this training are those living with trauma and addictions, and those who care about and work with them. As a result of this training participants will come away with a de-mystified understanding of Mindfulness, its basic neurobiology and practical application to the treatment of addictions, especially in clients living with trauma and its aftereffects and clinician self care.

Mission Possible: Keeping Our Youth Drug-Free

3 hours

This training is intended for our community, including, but not limited to, parents, teachers, social workers, and counselors. The training will offer participants ways to address drug related issues/concerns in a proactive and assertive way. Information will be provided on common drug facts and current trends, while assessing and identifying the substance abuse indicators (signs & symptoms) of youth. In addition, we will be assessing the county’s school data and the Social Norms relating to the data. The training will include identifying and understanding the Children of Alcoholics (COA) and the roles they play in the classroom environment as well as in the home. Furthermore, the participants will be able to strategize how to confront youth’s drug use/abuse; know how to identify the signs of drug use/abuse; and where and how to access our community’s resources.

Motivational Interviewing: Engaging and Guiding

3 hours

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a person centered, directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change. MI has been widely researched in the treatment of substance use disorders; additionally, it appears to be a helpful approach for other types of health behavior change—tobacco dependence, HIV risk behaviors, unhealthy eating behaviors and so on. The goal of this training is to increase the clinician’s desire and skill in conveying the overall spirit of MI. This spirit is evident when services are person centered, nonconfrontational and collaborative. Autonomy of the person being served is emphasized by exploring choices and supporting the person as he/she self determines the change(s) for which he/she is committed. Specific skills such as reflections, open ended questions, affirmations and summaries will be described, modeled and practiced.

Motivational Interviewing: (Tipping Ambivalence Towards Change) A Practical Application of OARS

3 hours

Some concepts/skills important to motivational interviewing include self-efficacy (confidence, competence), developing discrepancy, compassion, sustain talk and dancing with discord. The five key communication skills of OARS are (1) Open-ended questions, (2) Affirmations, (3) Reflective listening, (4) Summaries, and (5) Providing information with permission. After a brief Power Point presentation, the remainder of the session will allow participants to watch examples of Motivational Interviewing and then practice these techniques using real role play

Opioid Addiction & Exposure to Infants

No Charge
3 hours

Currently, there is a gap of information for opioid use involving pregnant women along with how the infant’s health and development is possibly compromised as a result of the opioid exposure during pregnancy. The opioid epidemic is not only affecting adults, but can have lasting effects on the smallest victims in this crisis. There is a concern for the short term and long-term effects as well as the strategies needed for the infant to reach all the developmental milestones with the proper supports. The information shared at this workshop will inform and prepare pregnant women with opioid use disorder to care for their infant. This training will also assist professionals working with the infants and their families to create plans for a brighter future for the infants. Participants will recognize the developmental disabilities and congenital disabilities that result from in utero opioid exposure; they will be able to describe the short-term and long-term effects from the infant being exposed to opioids; and they will learn to construct effective plans that support and enhance the development of the infant.

Opioid Dependency & Pregnancy

No Charge
3 hours

Currently, there is a gap of information for opioid use involving women and pregnancy. This is an epidemic and the medical field is attempting to create innovative strategies. Attempting to treat the disease of addiction, along with the complications involving pregnancy, is a topic that requires attention. Continued opioid use has negative effects on a woman psychologically, as well as physically, and will have negative developmental effects on the fetus. The information shared at this workshop will better inform and prepare women struggling with this addiction. The trainings will aid counselors and other professionals working with women addicted to opioids and women who are pregnant and continue using opioids or contemplating recovery.

Opioid Dependency & Pregnancy: Strategies Towards Healthy Delivery

3 hours

The training will aid counselors and other professionals working with women addicted to opioids and women who are pregnant and continue using opioids or contemplating recovery. Currently, there is a gap of information for opioid use involving women and pregnancy. This is an epidemic and the medical field is attempting to create innovative strategies. Attempting to treat the disease of addiction, along with the complications involving pregnancy, is a topic that requires attention. Continued opioid use has negative effects on a woman psychologically, as well as physically, and will have negative developmental effects on the fetus. The information shared at this workshop will better inform and prepare women struggling with this addiction.

Prescription Drug Abuse: The Rising Epidemic

3 hours

Prescription drug misuse and abuse is a complex problem, affecting many individuals from adolescents to adults. This training provides an overview of the current epidemic and the correlation between prescription abuse and the heroin overdoses that have been occurring across the nation. During this session, we will explore prescription drugs, such as pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives, as well as, over the counter drugs. This session will take a closer look at contributing factors of prescription drug abuse and will examine prevention strategies and treatment efforts which can be implemented to combat the problem.

Preventing Relapse: An Action Plan

3 hours

Based on the suggestions of Terrence Gorski, this presentation will focus on the six stages of recovery from chemical dependency. Participants will recognize that while working through the challenges that create frustration and lead to relapse, sobriety is more than just healing the damage… Promoting physical, psychological, social and spiritual health, prove absolutely essential to long term sobriety. Participants will participate in discussion of case studies and learn how to apply information from the presentation to their personal use.

Risk & Protection Framework

6 hours

Participants will learn that Risk and Protection is a framework, an approach that has been proven successful in program development, implementation and evaluation. The key is to deliver research-based strategies and activities to appropriate target populations, in the proper settings within multiple domains and systems and at the correct level of intensity. Participants will learn how to implement this model at the individual and/or community level in order to be successful in their prevention initiatives.

The Role of Spirituality In Recovery

3 hours

The definition of spiritual involves having the ability to extract meaning from one’s experiences. The feeling of belonging and being an important part of the world is lost as addiction progresses. The longer the addiction goes on, the more spiritually isolated the individual becomes. Because addiction blocks a person’s ability to effectively connect with his or her own spirit, there is little chance to connect with the spirit of others.

Participants will understand that spirituality is a simple way of life. There are four basic movements that recovering people need to make to put their lives on a positive spiritual basis. This training will focus moving from fear to trust; from self-pity to gratitude; from resentment to acceptance; and from dishonesty to honesty.

Run Life Strong

3 hours

A recent Gallup poll found that over half of employees nationwide (54%) are “not engaged,” meaning they lack motivation and are less likely to invest discretionary effort in organizational goals or outcomes. 18% are “actively disengaged,” indicating they are unhappy and unproductive at work and liable to spread negativity to coworkers. Since most of us spend a good deal of time at work, the quality of our work experience is inevitably reflected in the quality of our life. The 3-hour “Run Life Strong” workshop will help workplace teams create a stronger work/life experience so they are freed, fueled and inspired to strengthen performance for their organizations & themselves.

Suicide Awareness

No Charge
3 hours

A 3-hour training that prepares anyone over the age of 15 to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help to stay safe. Alert helpers know how to use these opportunities to support that desire for safety. As a safeTALK-trained suicide alert helper, you will be better able to move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid suicide; identify people who have thoughts of suicide; and apply the TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keep safe) to connect a person with suicide thoughts to suicide first aid, intervention caregivers.

Spirituality & Addiction

3 hours

Each participant will have an opportunity to explore the importance of spirituality in the effective and holistic treatment of addictions. Further, participants will learn new and useful methods of evoking spiritual beliefs and attitudes from their clients while simultaneously remaining neutral and inquisitive to that process.

Substance Use, Abuse and Dependency Continuum

3 hours

This training will cover the basics of alcohol and substance use/abuse/dependency and utilization of the DSM-IV to review criterion for various diagnoses. A major portion of the training will be devoted to discussions centering on the evaluation/assessment process. This workshop will not only provide basic factual information on clinical diagnosis, but will have a strong emphasis on effective methods of engagement and information gathering while conducting the assessment interview.

Suicide Prevention

3 hours

This three hour course will train participants to function as a positive link for someone in crisis. The first part of the training looks at the biological, psychological, and environmental factors which put youth at risk and the current prevalence of depression and suicide in today’s youth. The second part of the training examines protective measures that can be taken to allow young people access to help during a crisis and procedures for responding to youth seeking help. This training is recommended for anyone working with youth.

Teen Approach


6.5 hours CPP/CPS (2) CASAC renewal NYS OASAS approved

Teen Approach is an evidence-based brief intervention program for youth ages 12-19 years old suspected of experiencing mild to moderate problems associated with alcohol and/or other substance use. The program may also include the participation of teens’ parents or guardians. Teen Approach program integrates stages of change theory, motivational interviewing, and cognitive-behavioral therapy to help teens reduce and ultimately eliminate their alcohol and/or substance use.

Who should attend?

Teen Approach is designed for trained professionals, including teachers, school counselors, social workers, psychologists, etc. and other youth-serving professionals who are working with substance-abusing teenagers. Users of the Teen Approach model should have formal training in basic counseling skills, as well as a basic understanding of the etiology, course, and treatment of adolescent substance abuse. This training is appropriate for staff working in the prevention, treatment, mental health, probation, juvenile justice, etc. fields.

Teen Talk: Finding Out What You Are Suppose to Know

No Charge

Teen Talk is designed for Families, the Lay community & trained professionals, including teachers, school counselors, social workers, psychologists, etc. and other youth-serving professionals who are working with teenagers. THis program is designed to help improve communication, bridging the gao of trust and confidence between Parent, Professionals and the Teens they interact with.

Teen Relationships in the Digital Age

No Charge
1 hour

This workshop will begin by defining the digital age and where teens are digitally. Data collected from the recent Relationships survey taken of Chautauqua County youth will be reviewed. Explored will be how different relationships are, based upon the pre-digital age and during the digital age and how to teach healthy and unhealthy relationship skills to digitally active teens. Several educational resources will be offered and introduced including games and activities.

Tobacco Cessation Using Motivational Interviewing

No charge
3 hours

This informational session will cover nicotine dependence, the importance of addressing tobacco, evidence based research for pharmacotherapy, principles of Motivational Interviewing (MI), incorporating MI into tobacco cessation, stages of change, addressing ambivalence and resources and support services available.

Tobacco Dependence: Knowing Is Not Enough

2.5 hours

In recent years, statewide smoking levels have been reduced to the lowest rate in record history. Although there have been substantial reductions in adult smoking in NYS, some tobacco use disparities have become more pronounced over the past decade. When we compare the NYS Health Department Adult Smoking Rates we see our county at 24.7% considerable higher than the National: 17.8% and State: 14.5%. Why so high?

We will explore this disparity in our county further during the upcoming Information Session presented by Tobacco Control Specialist from Roswell Cancer Institute Also covered in the presentation will be Why people smoke; Why we need to address this behavior; Center for Disease Control (CDC)/Public Health Guidelines (PHG), Evidence Based Research; the Benefits to quitting (health/financial) and support services available.

Tobacco Trends

3 hours

This workshop will cover the social issues, health effects, and addiction issues around the use of tobacco and/or nicotine. Attendees will gain an understanding of human rights abuses, social, and environmental issues surrounding the growing, production, marketing and consumption of tobacco. The training will explore the four most common methods/forms of tobacco consumption; the latest trends and recent changes/shifts in consumption; the concept of dual/multiple product use; CDC recommended best practice interventions for decreasing tobacco use prevalence and common cessation interventions to treat nicotine dependence.

Tune In, Turn On—Drugs in the Media

3 hours

As a result of this seminar participants will become aware of three different ways the media is used to promote or discourage substance abuse, learn how “new” forms of media are being used to communicate messages about substance abuse, learn three things individuals can do to positively affect substance abuse in the media.

Understanding Trauma: The Connection between Trauma and Addiction

6 hours

This training will address untreated childhood and adult trauma as a primary cause of addiction and relapse. The participant will understand how a pain-filled inner world seeks relief in substances, food, or behaviors such as sexual acting out, gambling, frenetic activity or compulsive overwork. The nature of trauma will be explored . . . how it attaches itself to our inner being and how emotional intelligence and resilience can be our best defense against slipping into a place with no way out.

Using Motivational Interviewing to Promote Behavioral Change

3 hours

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client centered approach to counseling. The emphasis is based on a therapeutic alliance which incorporates solution based techniques. Participants will understand change theory and motivational strategies, demonstrate basic skills for enhancing client motivation, identifying their own strengths and learning needs and assess client motivation, identify their own strengths and learning needs and assess clients’ readiness for change. The main focus of MI is exploring and resolving ambivalence to change and how to facilitate change for the client.

CR7035 Youth Hiding Drugs? What Adults Need to Know

2 hours

Some drugs are in plain sight. This is a presentation to show the drug paraphernalia that youth use to hide different drugs. The training will include some information on how they are smuggling their alcohol as well as vaping products to be discreet on using their drug of choice. It is an informational and awareness training that will hopefully open your eyes to the different ways our youth are hiding their drugs. We will also be discussing some current trends while discovering the different types of strategies that families, schools and communities can utilize to help combat these current trends.