Our Focus

We Are

“The Butterfly: From an egg…to a crawler…it endures a struggle…a transformation, under the sun; where from that state…emerges great beauty, and one who has learned to fly circles  around those who ever doubted it.; Like a flower that folds and unfolds itself in the wind, it has reached the sky.” Certainly, CARE transforms our ability to help others into an opportunity for them escape their circumstances, build upon their confidence, improve upon themselves….and grow! The sun smiles upon the butterfly and calls this progress and development.” .

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We often hear the phrase, we have to crawl before we can walk…well, sometimes we loose focus of the fact that even before we walk, we have to first stand up. We should never underestimate what we are caple of, and we should comparatively, never overestimate our doubts to be true, just because we are challenged by something, just because we fear something…just because someone has their opinion about about what we can or cannot do–what we should or should not do. Stand up…and make sure that what you stand on is rooted in principles.


We Are here For You!